Sep 27, 2019

Age-restricted content may not be appropriate for all audiences. It's not visible to users who are signed out, are under 18 years of age, or have Restricted Mode turned on. Learn more about Apr 01, 2020 · Facebook's Restricted list is a feature that allows users to hide posts from specific friends on the social network by adding them to this list. Any Facebook friend can be added to or removed from this list at any time and there's no limit to how many people can be on it. Your Restricted list is for people you’ve added as a friend but may not want to share with (example: your boss). Learn how to add or remove someone from your Restricted list on Facebook. We're working to update and the Help Center. Mar 29, 2019 · This wikiHow teaches you how to recognize the signs that a Facebook friend has restricted the amount of personal information you can see on their profile. The "Restricted" list is different from the "Blocked" list in that restricted users can still view public posts and posts on mutual friends' pages from the person who blocked them. Jun 20, 2013 · Head to the Facebook profile page of the person you want to add to your restricted list. Click on the "Friends" drop-down box that appears at the bottom right of their cover photo. Select the In Facebook, there is a very easy way to hide your posts and updates from specific friends without having to block them or unfriend them. Facebook has a very useful feature called restricted list, which can be used to restrict a group of friends from seeing any of your posts, photos or updates.

Your Restricted list is for people you’ve added as a friend but may not want to share with (example: your boss). Learn more about friend lists on Facebook.

Facebook. Being blocked on Facebook can be incredibly awkward, especially if you are unsure why you were blocked in the first place. Recently, a woman in my program, let’s call her Elle, blocked me on Facebook. There are several possible reasons for it. Facebook Privacy - The New Restricted List - YouTube Aug 02, 2014

TrapCall is a free service that easily allows you to reveal who has been calling you on a restricted number. So how does it work? When you reject or miss a call from a restricted number, your cell phone bounces that number to TrapCall’s toll-free number. TrapCall reroutes the number, so it rings you again — this time with the number revealed.

A guide to hiding from unwanted Facebook ‘friends’ Restricted always means public posts only. You can also now “unfollow” someone on Facebook, which means you won’t get their posts at all (and they won’t know it), but you are still technically