As long as security assurances are maintained, time in prison should help people return to society better prepared to live a life free of crime. Notably, prisoners aren’t getting unfettered digital access and the benefits extend beyond the walls of the prison and have the potential to help us all.

Dec 31, 2018 A French man has been sentenced to two years in jail Dec 02, 2016 Setting up Private Internet Access in my SABnzbd jail I was trying to do something similar with my Transmission jail. I searched for a while and decided that the easiest way to do it was to configure my router (DD-WRT) to route all traffic from that jail through PIA. How to Pay Bills If You Are in Jail | Sapling

OpenVPN in a jail, FreeNAS 11.1-U4, can connect, but no

Internet use in prisons allows inmates to communicate with the outside. Much like the use of telephones in prisons, the use of the internet under supervision, for various purposes, is approved in 49 U.S. correctional systems and five Canadian provinces. Each of the reporting U.S. systems, except Hawaii, Iowa, Nebraska and Nevada, use computers to employ inmate educational programs, as do all five reporting provinces in Canada. In the United States, prisoners have fairly limited access to the Internet when compared to other nations. They are not even allowed to use it for educational purposes. However, some American prisoners still find a way to use social media in prison.

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The case for Internet access in prisons - The Washington Post Feb 09, 2015 FreeNAS: Add VPN Connection to a Jail – digiMoot: Oct 13, 2019 Hong Kong Security Law Sets Stage for Global Internet Jul 07, 2020 Email from behind bars? Prisoner advocates push for access