There is a known issue where IPv6 tunnel routes may not be added to the routing table on iOS 7.0.x. This issue was fixed in iOS 7.1 Workaround: use redirect-gateway instead of pushing specific IPv6 routes. For example, in the server configuration file: push "redirect-gateway ipv6" Or the client configuration file: redirect-gateway ipv6

Jun 16, 2019 · Your Xbox will work normally without IPv6 connectivity. However, for the best possible experience, we recommend enabling IPv6 on your network. Several Xbox One features already make use of IPv6, and we’re building more. The next generation of Internet Protocol, IPv6, hasn't been deployed as quickly as planned. But IPv6 will arrive, eventually. Here's what you need to do to make sure your networks will scale. Since Vista, MS OSes can make DNS queries (and get DNS replies) over both IPv4 and IPv6 (so nodes with Vista or later MS OSes will work in IPv6-only networks). Note that Microsoft DNS server (since 2008) supports A and AAAA records, and accepts queries over both IPv4 and IPv6. List of IPv6 Only Sites What. The sites below are reachable only via IPv6 - they have no IPv4 DNS Record at the time they were added. To add your site, use the form at the bottom of the page. Other IPv6 Resources. Why. Since Google is not indexing IPv6-only sites yet I thought it would be good to have a place to list them all. Don't. This isn't Trying to make IPv6 work on a USG My ISP just assigned me a single /64 IPv6 address (I did ask for a 56, but this is all I get apparently) and I managed to configure the WAN interface correctly using static configuration. Nov 07, 2017 · Clearly, more work needs to be done in this area to make IPv6 geolocation as accurate as IPv4 geolocation. However, not all the work on improving IPv6 geolocation solely rests with the RIRs, the ISPs, or the geolocation software/services companies. Thankfully we don’t completely rely on IP addresses for geolocation.

Oct 14, 2010 · Five ways for IPv6 and IPv4 to peacefully co-exist. Ready or not, you're going to need to use both IPv6 and IPv4 on your corporate intranet and to connect to the Internet for years to come.

There is a known issue where IPv6 tunnel routes may not be added to the routing table on iOS 7.0.x. This issue was fixed in iOS 7.1 Workaround: use redirect-gateway instead of pushing specific IPv6 routes. For example, in the server configuration file: push "redirect-gateway ipv6" Or the client configuration file: redirect-gateway ipv6 See also; Address bar in 75.0 doesn't work the same as in 74.0.1; My address bar does not work after the Firefox 78 update. Number of items on the Location Bar IPv6 - Tutorial to learn IPv6 in Computer Network in simple, easy and step by step way with syntax, examples and notes. Covers topics like what is IPv6, Advantages of IPv6, Packet Format of IPv6, Priority field of IPv6, Extension Headers, Transition from IPv4 to IPv6 etc. Jun 16, 2019 · Your Xbox will work normally without IPv6 connectivity. However, for the best possible experience, we recommend enabling IPv6 on your network. Several Xbox One features already make use of IPv6, and we’re building more.

Can You Make IPv6 Work Commercially? | APNIC Blog Jul 14, 2016 Solved: How to get IPv6 working? - BT Community Hi all, I have two calls for help. Requestt 1: Getting ipv6 to work I cannot get IPv6 working. My HH6 router tells me that I have an ipv6 address but says I have no access to the ipv6 internet. A [heavily redacted] set of pictures tells the story of a thousand words, so here g