Jul 31, 2015
Diversion Services | Lancaster County, NE Mental Health Diversion is a supportive intervention initiated by the prosecutor’s office to prevent individuals with mental illnesses from unnecessarily entering and/or returning to the criminal justice system. Mental Health Diversion offers structured, supervised intervention designed to reduce recidivism and incarceration among individuals Diversion Programs | Maricopa County Attorney's Office, AZ 2020 Maricopa County Diversion Policies. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 11-361 et seq., the County Attorney has sole discretion to divert or defer the prosecution of a person accused of committing a crime to an authorized diversion program. The County Attorney has authorized the following diversion programs: Animal Cruelty Diversion Qualifying for a Diversion Program - The Law Office of
Notifications of Diversion, Theft, Loss, or Criminal Activity All applicants and licensees are required to give notification within 24 hours of becoming aware – or within 24 hours of the time the applicant or licensee should have been aware – of the theft or loss of any marijuana product or criminal activity at the marijuana facility.
Diversion Programs and First-Offender Programs | Nolo
Here at the Diversion Center we provide engaging, interactive, and effective court approved shoplifting prevention classes to clients that have been accused of theft or shoplifting. This is a live instructor led course and we dive-deep into why people shoplift and steal.
Diversions, Expungements, & Dispositions Diversion allows a charge or charges to be diverted for an agreed upon amount of time once the defendant pleads guilty and agrees to conditions given by the judge. Once the diversionary period has been successfully completed, the charge or charges can be … Diversion Services | Lancaster County, NE