Feb 24, 2020

Aug 21, 2014 Michael Power » Another New Privacy Tort for Ontario Another New Privacy Tort for Ontario . Last week saw a rather striking decision issued by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. 2102 saw the tort of “intrusion upon seclusion” recognized; in 2016, we now have the tort of “public disclosure of private facts”. Unlike the … Dentons - "The Development of Privacy Torts in Ontario: A May 01, 2012

New Privacy Tort in Ontario: What Could it Mean For

Jan 26, 2016 Ontario Court of Appeal recognises new tort for invasion The Ontario Court of Appeal overturned the lower court's decision, ruling in favour of Jones and recognising a new common law tort: intrusion upon seclusion. The new tort is a subset of the broader category of 'invasion of privacy', which includes other recognised and potential causes of action. Privacy in the Spotlight: Ontario Superior Court of

Feb 26, 2016

Yet Another Privacy Tort Comes to Ontario – Slaw Jan 31, 2016 Ontario Recognizes False Light Tort of Invasion of Privacy Feb 24, 2020 Ontario Recognizes Torts of Invasion of Privacy