Script to create a VPN connection - Edugeek

AnyConnect 2.4 client on Windows. Can't get the OnConnect scripting to work Note1) client profile XML has 'enablescripting'=true and downloads to the client from the ASA just fine. Note2) The OnConnect script (OnConnect.cmd) is a simple drive mapping for the XP client. It runs fine when run locall Check VPN connection status command line The Task will run a batch file that reconnects the VPN with a batch file that attempts to re-connect the VPN with a command prompt Rasclient command. Event 20226 is the event triggered when the VPN disconnects. The batch file should attempt to reconnect several times, pausing between attempts and fail after a set number of attempts. Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Administrator Feb 05, 2020 how to create a tunnel vpn with vbscript?

May 08, 2013

FlyVPN Windows VPN PBK file tutorial is more suitable for people who don't want to download VPN client. Users can configure multiple VPN connections in PBK file. Follow instructions below step by step to setting up VPN connection through PBK file. 1: Crate a new document on desktop and name it as VPN. Automate creation of an L2TP VPN with Pre Shared Key and Jul 18, 2014 Read Data from SharePoint Using VBscript

May 08, 2013

Trying to use VBscript to read list data from a sharepoint site. Anyone have a script for that? I have a vbscript that does work afterwardsI just need to get the data from a sharepoint site. PowerShell: Detecting Network and VPN Connections